Grassroots activities
Make a difference by participating in CalCPA’s Grassroots Program.

How to get involved
If you are interested in joining, please fill out the online form here.
Participants in the Grassroots Program recognize the difference they can make in the legislative process on behalf of the profession, their clients, and the public. Because legislators base decisions upon communications from their constituents, CPAs need to establish a connection with their representatives. The CalCPA government relations team carefully watches legislative events and alerts members of the Grassroots Program when a hot issue requires grassroots action. Participants will then be able to call upon their relationship with their elected officials and provide a localized perspective of the political impact of legislation.
Educate your local legislators on the issues affecting you and your clients.
Know your legislators’ background and issue priorities.
Develop a personal, constituent relationship with the legislator based on mutual trust and respect.
Be aware of pending legislation or regulations that may affect the profession.
Reinforce the constituent relationship with your legislator by regularly communicating professional issues that may be of interest to him or her and the staff
Particapants can make a difference by contacting elected officials and becoming a liaison between them and CalCPA. If you have a relationship with a legislator or are willing to establish one, please join us and have your voice heard.
If you do not personally know a lawmaker, do not let that deter you. The government relations and grassroots team will assist you in the process. Party affiliation should not be an obstacle. You need not be a member of their political party to establish a relationship. Remember, your legislator represents the entire district.
CalCPA Members
You can join the CalCPA grassroots campaign today by contacting the Government Relations team at (916) 441-5351, email, or complete the online form.