CalCPA Highlight
January February 2023
Serving the communities we live in is of utmost importance to the chapters of CalCPA. This holiday season, chapters held a variety of events to give back to local communities.
The Bay Area chapters met for a Day of Caring, where CPAs and friends built 27 bikes to donate to low-income families and children. The Los Angeles Chapter partnered with Food on Foot, an organization that helps individuals struggling with homelessness to find housing and get back on their feet, and helped provide food, supplies and clothes to those in need. The Central Coast chapter held a Charitable Day of Action, collecting new jackets, coats, socks, hats and monetary donations which were distributed to homeless shelters across the county.
On Tuesday, December 20, a 6.4 magnitude earthquake struck Northern California’s Eureka area. While the recovery and cleanup efforts have begun, they are far from being over. If there are any members, staff or friends of CalCPA that are in need of financial assistance, please direct them to the Monica Thompson Benevolent Fund page and applications. The Fund was created in 2021 to honor and remember the 21 years of outstanding service and contributions to CalCPA and the profession for which Monica Gurrola Thompson (of blessed memory 1964-2021), dedicated her career. Monica’s loving spirit, infectious laugh, inclusive personality, and positive impact on CalCPA members and staff will forever be remembered.
The Fund is intended to provide members, staff and friends of CalCPA financial assistance through temporary periods of crisis or hardship. The Fund provides short-term assistance for daily living or office expenses that become difficult to meet due to natural disaster or health/medical reasons.
If you are interested in donating to The Fund, please click here to donate.
DE&I Journey of Accountants: What the Research Tells Us
Kathy Johnson, Chair of the CalCPA DE&I Commission, participated in the DE&I Journey of Accountants: What the Research Tells Us webinar hosted by the Center for Accounting Transformation on December 13, 2022. The panel of experts, including Kathy, explained what DE&I practices and resources people need to mature in their organizations. They also discussed DE&I-specific research and information gathered to help firms accelerate DE&I business practices to create deeper trust and a greater feeling of belonging in their employees. Kathy cited the US DE&I report CalCPA published with IMA in 2021 as well as the global report CalCPA published with IMA and IFAC in 2022, in addition to high-level results from the CalCPA DE&I baseline membership survey.
2023 Legislative Summit & CPA Day
CalCPA will launch another year of advocacy on behalf of its members with a Legislative Summit that brings together CalCPA leaders with leaders in the public policy space to discuss a variety of issues facing California and the profession. Some of the discussion will focus on profession-specific issues like licensure, tax and emerging service areas such as ESG. Other topics will focus on general business climate issues and how CPAs can be a part of solutions to some of California’s challenges. Later in the afternoon, CalCPA members will have the opportunity to return to in-person meetings with legislators and their staff. As was outlined in last month’s article, nearly one-third of the legislators are new to their position. Meetings like these early in the legislative calendar are a great way to establish a positive relationship before complex policy proposals start to take center stage.
Keep an eye out for more information about this event and the impact it has on CalCPA’s advocacy efforts.
New CBA Leadership
CalCPA member Katrina Salazar, CPA from Sacramento was elected president of the CBA for 2023; Yen Tu, a public member from San Diego was elected vice president; and CalCPA member Joseph Rosenbaum, CPA was elected secretary/treasurer. CalCPA congratulates the newly elected leadership team of the CBA and looks forward to working with them in the year ahead.
CalCPA strives to continually meet and exceed the needs of our firms and members. One way to improve the membership experience is through firm billing. If you are at a firm (or another organization) with multiple members, the process of maintaining memberships can be simplified. Reach out to Denise Bethel (619) 788-8555 to enroll in the firm billing program, where we manage renewals through a single invoice.
As tax season approaches, the Business Development team has been working to ensure we have the correct contacts for firms regarding firm membership, learning and development contacts and internal firm advocates! If your firm has contacts that need to be in the know about what is happening with CalCPA, have them email Denise Bethel to ensure your firm is looped in with all the most up-to-date announcements, resources and the benefits that we offer.
From CalCPA’s affinity partners that offer members discounts, to the select group of top executives who are committed to keeping members abreast of the latest information and trends, to the many companies that showcase their products, services and solutions to help CPA professionals innovate their work - we cannot do it without their support! In 2023, CalCPA is excited to help clients connect with our audience of engaged decision-makers though a variety of advertising opportunities. If you know a business that would like to get in front of the member network and extended community, please feel free to share the 2023 media kit with them or have them email us. Download the 2023 media kit here.
Upcoming Sponsored Webcasts:
In the month of January, CalCPA has a great lineup of FreePE webcasts available for members:
Jan. 9: Employee Retention Credit: All You Need to Know to Apply, sponsored by Stenson Tamaddon
Jan. 23: New Year; New Legal Entity, sponsored by CorpNet
Visit to learn more.
Jan. 19: Tax Issues in Divorce Mini-Conference | Register
When advising clients who are going through a divorce, it's important to understand all the long-term tax consequences and liabilities before a settlement is reached. Attend this half-day mini conference to hear from our expert panels who will cover:
A review of estates, trusts and family law issues
Business expenses in light of Hein, Deluca, Blazer, etc.
The latest in technology for professionals
Answers to your tax questions
Feb. 23: High-Tech Financial Professionals Virtual Conference | Register
Advisers to high-tech companies face many challenges, including shareholder and investor relations. The marketplace demands that CPAs, attorneys and consultants who advise on and implement business and financial decisions for tech companies, maintain a high level of expertise. The High-Tech Financial Professionals Conference delivers the quality, relevant, financial and accounting topics that help keep attendees ahead of their peers.
Personal Financial Planning (PFP) State Committee
The Personal Financial Planning (PFP) state committee offers free monthly presentations, usually on the third Tuesday of every month. Past presentations are recorded and posted (along with the materials) on
Robert S. Keebler, CPA/PFS, MST, AEP (Distinguished), partner with Keebler & Associates will provide year-end ideas and tips to minimize your client’s tax liabilities.
Jan. 10: Key Tax Planning Considerations for the New Year
Forensic Services Section (FSS)
Everyone knows the importance of first impressions – but few understand that new first impressions occur every day. Within our organizations, new referral sources, and not just dressing for the job you want but doing the job you want. And once you are there – what now?! How do you manage working for others while you build your own empire? Marie Ebersbacher and Megan O'Neill, with CBIZ Forensic Consulting Group, will discuss this and more!
Jan. 12: FSS Young and Emerging Professionals (YEP): First Impressions and Managing Up (Free for members)
February Section Meetings at the LAX Renaissance – Register Now!
Feb 9: Business Valuation
Feb 10: Family Law
Feb 23: Economic Damages
Feb 24: Fraud and Financial Investigations
The Forensic Expert Leadership Program is designed to help forensic accounting professionals expand their practice and prepare for career development as testifying experts through interactive components such as the opportunity to practice testimony on video, get analyzed by a body language specialist, and participate in a mock trial with a judicial representative. The program consists of five days across two sessions and is limited to 20 forensic accounting professionals with at least three years of experience.
2023 Program Dates/Locations:
Session 1: Sept. 14-15 | Irvine
Session 2: Oct. 5-7 | San Diego
The CalCPA Women to Watch Awards celebrate outstanding women in the profession who have made significant contributions through personal growth and the leadership development of their fellow colleagues.
Complete the nomination form before February 10 and provide supporting evidence of the nominee's contributions to the profession, the workplace and their community. Additional letters of recommendation are strongly encouraged to show support of the nominee's qualifications by other colleagues, peers and/or supervisors.